Tracy Davids advances the Southeast field conservation program with an emphasis on the Southern Appalachian region. She develops conservation objectives and strategies and collaborates with partners to protect and restore the region’s imperiled wildlife and their habitats. Believing the key to sustained environmental protection is a passionate, informed, and active citizenry, she engages communities in species protection through hands-on education and field experiences that connect people to nature, build appreciation for its value, and inspire action for its protection.
Tracy joined Defenders in 2015 after managing her own non-profit consulting business. Before that, she served as Executive Director of Wild South, a regional environmental non-profit. During her 15-year tenure, the organization protected tens of thousands of acres of public land and cultural resources from destructive activities and dozens of imperiled native species. Her experience also includes civil law practice.
Tracy is licensed to practice law in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts and holds a J.D. from Suffolk University Law School, as well as a B.A. in History from Boston University.