Areas of Expertise: Environmental and natural resources law and policy; federal and state administrative and legislative advocacy; federal land planning; campaign management.
Pat has over 25 years of experience in Alaska conservation and advocacy. Pat joined Defenders in 2016 and provides legal and policy advocacy support for Defenders’ Alaska program. He works to protect wildlife values and wilderness qualities on key federal lands in Alaska, including the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, Tongass National Forest, and the National Petroleum Reserve – Alaska, as well as the Izembek and Kenai National Wildlife Refuges and other public lands. Pat also supports Alaska program efforts to conserve and recover listed species including polar bears, Cook Inlet beluga whales, humpback whales and Arctic ringed and bearded seals, as well as at-risk species such as Kenai brown bears and northern goshawks.
Pat holds a J.D. with a Certificate of Completion in Environmental and Natural Resources Law from the University of Oregon.