Tweet“Whenever wolves are put on the chopping block, it is a tragedy,” said Sristi Kamal, Senior northwest representative for Defenders of Wildlife. “Lethal control is never a long-term solution and any pups that will be killed under these permits did not even participate in the hunts. There are better solutions than just killing wolves to cultivate social acceptance. Investments in proactive non-lethal efforts can do much more for promoting coexistence.”
The Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife (ODFW) announced this week they are authorizing the killing of up to six additional members of the Lookout Mountain Pack.
“Whenever wolves are put on the chopping block, it is a tragedy,” said Sristi Kamal, Senior northwest representative for Defenders of Wildlife. “Lethal control is never a long-term solution and any pups that will be killed under these permits did not even participate in the hunts. There are better solutions than just killing wolves to cultivate social acceptance. Investments in proactive non-lethal efforts can do much more for promoting coexistence.”
ODFW intends to kill up to four of the wolves in the pack, either by using a helicopter or from the ground due to concerns the pack is focusing on cows instead of other prey.
One of the wolves to be killed is the collared breeding male. The breeding female will not be targeted.
An additional permit has been issued to four ranchers who have lost livestock for two of the uncollaRed Wolves. They have until the end of October to do so.
ODFW estimates the Lookout Mountain pack consists of up to nine wolves currently. The department shot and killed two pups in this pack in August.
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