The primary factor limiting brown bear recovery is human-caused mortality. Bears die when they get into trouble with people’s garbage, livestock, when they are hit by cars and trains or illegally killed. By preventing these conflicts we help both people and bears.
Electric Fence Incentive Form
Defenders of Wildlife will reimburse 50% of the cost of an electric fence (up to $500) for securing brown bear attractants, such as garbage, fruit trees and livestock, in eligible counties in Alaska, Washington, Idaho, Montana and Wyoming.
Application and brochure for 2025 projects in Alaska
Application and brochure for 2025 projects in Washington, Idaho, Montana and Wyoming
Defenders of Wildlife Electric Fencing Incentive Program Annual Report
Electric Fencing Guides for Beginners
Electric Fencing Guide - English
Electric Fencing Guide - Español
Electric Fencing Guide - Tagalog
This instructional video walks you through the basics of how to build a bear-resistant electric fence. Properly installed bear-resistant electric fencing is a simple and effective way to protect the attractants found in your backyard and reduce conflicts with bears and other wildlife.
Erin Edge, Defenders’ Representative for Rockies and Plains, talks about Defenders’ work to reduce conflict between bears and people, including the Electric Fencing Program: