Four endangered Mount Graham red squirrels have been brought to the Phoenix Zoo in Arizona, offering hope for the species' survival.
It’s a modern-day twist on the tale of Noah’s Ark. Four endangered Mount Graham red squirrels, two females and males, have been brought to the Phoenix Zoo in Arizona after a recent spate of intense wildfires raised concerns for the species’ survival.
Related: Check out videos of the squirrels.
Down to about 214 animals, the sole wild population could be wiped out by wildfire, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service said in a statement. Wildlife officials took emergency action in June, ordering the critters captured after meteorologists flagged the potential for lightning strikes to spark a blaze on the dry Pinaleño Mountains in southern Arizona.
The four squirrels could anchor a captive-breeding program to save the species from extinction, or they could be released back into the wild after the fire danger has passed, wildlife officials said.
This tragic tale comes a timely reminder of how important the Endangered Species Act is to protecting America’s most vulnerable wildlife.
Meanwhile, the U.S. House of Representatives is poised to pass an “Extinction Rider“, killing federal funding for adding imperiled wildlife to the Endangered Species List and protecting habitat that’s critical for their survival.
Had these furry fellows been denied ESA protections afforded to them in 1987, chances are they would be gone already.
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